Tuesday 20 September 2011

I have no followers because followers are too main stream

I dislike labels very muchly, although its quite hypocritical because I label things all the time, I mean just this morning I labeled a container in the cupboard as 'curry powder' because of the increasing number of people who were mistaking it for hot chocolate powder. But the point is, I dont see why people feel the need to segregate everything into neat little groups. These are the nerds, these are the cheerleaders etc etc. Why cant they be both? Why cant one person fit into how ever many groups they like? I dont get it. I know people who call themselves indie or alternative or whatever and I dont understand because me? Im just Me. I dont fit into the segregated groups and I like it like that. Sure, some days Im a nerd, some days i'm a bimbo, but I'm me every day. They should try it some time. So let us throw off the chains of oppression! Let us rip off our collective 'curry powder' labels and say to the world 'I will be hot chocolate powder if thats whats I want to be!' cos I tells ya, this click shit is getting old.

On a similar topic, red heads can no longer donate sperm. I dont know if thats just an Australia thing or what but its stupid., I personally cant even understand how it was accepted as Im sure it breaks a whole lot of descrimination laws...And hey, dont get me wrong, the first time i heard it i laughed for a good 5 minutes because lets face it, everyone likes to make fun of rangas, and yet the more I think about it the more it annoys me. Red hair is pretty, theres nothing wrong with it and it has no negative effects on the child other than that they are born without a soul so why why why is it so bad for them to donate sperm. Just one step closer to becoming new Germany. fun stuff.

Anyways, I am bored again now. Bye internet <3

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