Sunday 9 October 2011

A tangled web of bodily fluids

Lets all take a moment to visualise that...yeah...gross.

Now we all feel somewhat ill, lets move on. Todays post is about the generally inbred status of my friendship group. You see, my friends are somewhat retarded and as such EVERYONE HOOKS UP WITH EVERYONE ELSE. Im no exception to the rule, not by a long stretch, but i do find it fascinating. I kind of have this obsession with knowing everything about everyone ever, and its not even like i use the information for evil, i just like the subtle power that comes with knowing things that other people dont. This makes me a pretty good person to trust, because chances are good that i wont ever tell anyone anything and hell, everyone likes sharing. Yet i wonder exactly how much goes on that i dont know about. I know there is a lot of stuff that most of my friends dont know about me so surely they all have their secrets too or maybe im just a particularly secretive person. Either way, I watch them so damn closely, always keeping an eye out for a clue to how they feel or what they think or whats going on between everyone because I just love knowing.

That paragraph got long so I abandoned it like a mother whos child is born a ginger and adopted a shiney new more appropriatly coloured one. My thoughts are a little scattery at the moment and for this i somewhat appologise. So it was my birthday the other week, and quite the event it was. Since then I have decided that 23 is going to be my year, and nothing at all is going to stop me from enjoying it to its fullest.


And yes, it will be at least 18 kinds of amazing. ALL OF THE AMAZING. It will begin with the procurement of a real live job. It will be green and I will love it and feed it and name it Jake and it will fund my growing addiction to shoes, expensive office fashion and movie replicas. And Jake and I will love each other untill I get sick of waking up early and being stuck inside all day when I want to be at the beach and will potentially lose my shit and just bolt in the night to QLD. Then Jake and my relationship will be broken and ruined and full of pain and regret...What was I saying? Oh, right. All of the amazing. BUT FIRST! i have to finish this stupid thesis, and then there will be a month of video games and beaches and happiness and colour change!

Exciting, no? yeah. You know you care...secretly. In other news, I know my housemate will read this later so hi nerd and also could to please never impersonate Sean Connery Pingu ever again? Also STOP LOOK AT ME SWAN!!!!

Yeah, im bored of writing this now. The important this is I am awesome.

P.S - Im too cool to capitalise all of the 'i's but not cool enough that I dont feel the pressure to capitalise some of them.

1 comment:

  1. I notice "colour change" was in blue that's Thrillhouse's colour I sah flattered
