Thursday 20 October 2011

And I wish I could write you a love song, But I cant so I wrote you this blog post instead

Today was a good day. A very good day indeed, and it is those really really good days that make me feel okay about putting my thesis work off a little longer, because I would hate to miss a day like today. We went to the skate park and drove like crazy people and yelled compliments at random strangers and just hung out. All kinds of amazing fun.

Alas, that cannot last, because this thesis work wont let me put it off much longer. In my defence today wasnt a good writing day so i wouldnt have achieved anything anyways.

In other news, my blog isnt anonymous anymore. I dont know how I feel about that, because on one hand its kinda cool that people are reading it but on the other hand I know I wont say anything honest anymore. Can't be honest if you know people who know you irl are reading it, its hard enough being honest when no one is reading it. Honesty is hard.

So, in light of this, let us move on to todays main topic:
Why Iron Man is better in every conceivable way than Batman.
Lets start with the name, shall we? Iron Man instantly instills the impression of strength and power into those who hear the name. Iron is strong and stable and bad ass, while Batman is named after a flying mamal thats primary function is 'eat' and 'shit'. Fearful? No. So name wise, Iron Man wins this round.

Secret identity wise, Tony Stark doesnt even bother trying to hide who he is. He just comes right out and goes, yeah bitches, Im Iron Man, what of it? While Batman goes to extream lengths to remain anonymous. I suppose it could be said that Batman is just more concerned that those close to him may suffer if his true identity were revealed, but come on now, hes an orphan whos closest friend is his butler... Besides, Iron Man is so badass that he just kicks the shit out of anyone who messes with the people he cares about. He even goes so far as to give his girlfriend a suit, which not only keeps her safe but also empowers her and involves her more in his daily life. What a sweet and caring guy.

Personality is a no brainer, who do you want to hang out with? The outrageous life of the party who loves shouting people drinks in his amazing mansion with his high tech EVERYTHING, or the social recluse who sounds like and angry emo 90% of the time. Yeah, no one likes emos, even rich ones.

Lastly, Iron Man is HOT and Batman wears bat ears. Thats why Iron Man is amazing and Batman can suck it. I guess I just like Marvel better than DC though, except Spidey. He sucks too.

1 comment:

  1. Its gets easier I've been fair honest with mine as you can see and I have let bugger all people know but its clear more people than I have told are reading mine, and to be honest I don't care much who reads it anymore of course I do a little bit but meh they would have came across it sooner or later. Besides your blog is funny and you should be proud of it anyway :)
