Wednesday 4 January 2012


I dont know how other people see me. Its something that I am always curious about, not necessarily because I care what they think, just because I would like to know. I know the person I would like to be, the person I think I am...I wonder how close I am to that in other peoples eyes.

To me I am the person who would willingly take all the pain of everyone in the world if it meant they got to be happy. I would be okay with that completely. I am the person who makes wishes for my friends when the clock gets to 11:11 because they need that extra bit of luck more than I do. I am the person who spends hours blowing up balloons and writing post it notes, even though I know no one will read them simply because I want my friends to know they are worth the time and effort. I am the one that always says sorry after a fight, whether I was right or wrong, simply because it is not worth losing friends over. I am the one who will never ever leave you behind or forget you, because you might need me one day and I want you to know that I am there for you, no matter how much you ignore me or avoid me. I am the one who can be in the middle of a break down and realise that you're going through something similar, and in that moment I will put my issues aside and listen to you, because you will always be more important than me. I am the one who will always try to help, because I never want to be the person that turns away. I am the one that would risk her life for you, because not trying is not an option, no matter what the consequences. I am the one who tries to think of nice surprises and special presents because you are worth special things, even though I cant afford them most of the time and they are nearly always late. I am the one who wants to make random strangers smile, even for a moment because just because I dont know them doesnt mean they dont need cheering up.

I try to be tough, I try to act indestructable, but behind who I appear to be this is who I am. I will do anything for other people, because people need help whether they want to admit it or not. I want to be the kind of person who inspires people, not the kind that brings them down.

I love you all. Every single one of you. Whether you read this, whether you know me, whether we've met at all. I love you.


  1. I agree with all of the above I like to think I'm similar. Everything you do has not gone unnoticed with me from the events, to talking to me at my darkest moments, and cheering me up. I'm the same I love seeing people smiling its great. What I think about you ummmm... awesome!, generous, strong, a pretty cool girl who aren't afraid of anything :) & kind.

    Keep being yourself your great <3.

    From your good friend Justin :)

  2. "A man is what he thinks about all day long."
    - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    I feel this rings true in your case <3
