Tuesday 10 January 2012

So much happiness!!

I am so very excited! Just so excited about life!! I have a whole bunch of new projects starting up, and I know they will be a lot of work but they are things I have always wanted to do. I dont want to say too much, because Im worried they will fall through, but not many people read this so I suppose its ok to go over them briefly.

The Human Condition - This is a web comic project I am doing with my writer friend. I dont want to give too much away, but imagine World War Z crossed with Zombie Land and The Walking Dead. I've never drawn a comic before and the whole thing is a little daunting but I am reall excited about this and we have some great ideas floating around at the moment.

Untitled Musicness - I have always loved music, and around year 11 I just sort of stopped singing around other people, I dont know why, I just never sang for anyone else anymore. Now I am starting to get my confidence back and I realised how much I missed it. I dont know how good I am, I dont think I'm anything special but a few of my friends have said I am alright and its something I enjoy so why not. So this project is about singing for an audience. I also want to learn a few songs on guitar and keyboard so I can perform on my own, but a friend of mine wants me to sing with them playing the music and I think thats a good place to start. We discussed it a bit and are looking at songs like Hallelujah, My Immortal, Beautiful Disaster, maybe some stuff by Dido and Anna Nalick. Pretty excited about that.

Le Etsy - Started up a stall on etsy to sell my masks and paintings. I have checked out the competition for the paintings I put up (comic book/movie characters so far) and Im pretty pleased with mine comparatively. I dont know how many people buy paintings of stuff like that, but if they were going to I think mine would be top contenders. I also put up a couple of masks, which Im not so sure about. The masks on Etsy are really stunning, and while mine arent to shabby themselves I feel a little dodgy for using pre made mask bases. Especially since they are only cardboard and plaster. Dont get me wrong, that makes them super light weight, but I think they lack a level of elegance because of it. Which leads me to my final project for the moment:

Porcelain - I want to get into working with clay, in particular super beautiful and fragile porcelain. Its not too expensive as long as you stick to smaller things, and I want to try making my own mask bases in something really elegant. Also, I wanted to try my hand at little necklace pieces and maybe fairy figures. Unfortunatly the only place I have found that offers firing services so far is in Melbourne, but thats not too far to go once every few weeks. I'll have to wait untill I have some spare cash for this project but Im really looking forward to it.

On a non project related front, I have the most amazing friends in the world. They surprise me every day. I dont believe in God, but I was blessed by something, because no one gets this many awesome people in their life by accident. In the last 24 hours I have recieved some awesome movie posters (including the On Stranger Tides poser <3), an Iron man bust which is amazing, My Little Pony cookies and my new baby a mexican fighting fish that I named Sir Tyrone Killsworth. I cant imagine ever having better friends! They are always there when I need them, always willing to help out. I want to do something special for them all, because I love them so so much. Not sure what yet, but it will be awesome ^.^

So yeah, my life is amazing at the moment. Just need to get this thesis out of the way so my projects can have all of my attention. Not much left to go now anyways. :)

Love you like ... well like my friends! I cant think of any higher compliment right now ^.^

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