Tuesday 11 December 2012

Well done, past me..

Dear past me,
Why are we still friends? Fo serious, you screw me over all the time. Is hind sight really that complicated to consider? Just...From now on, whenever you think to say or do anything I want you to take a moment and consider what present me will say about it. Here's a clue; I'll say you're retarded and shouldn't be allowed near people. Not too hard to remember? No, didn't think so. Lets try it now...

How did you go, me? Did you think about what future you would say about those heels? That's right, you go take them off now. You're going for an interview with an insurance company, not a strip club. Wear the cute black ones, far more appropriate. I know mum will criticise you no matter what you wear but red shoes is a bit much, keep the lipstick though, that shit looks so cash. lolol

Hi Internet! Sup with you this morning? mmhmm, oh i see! Wow, really? Thats great. So anyways, as you may have gathered I have an interview today which I am a little concerned about, although on the other hand whats the worst that can happen? Yeah, not a whole lot. I have an interview tomorrow, too! At the place where Skitlz works :D That would be so many fun! Ima go read over more Java stuff now, but I'd love for everyone to note the lesson of the day: Don't let me talk, like ever. And certainly don't link your personal blog to people that know you, especially when they are mentioned in it. Why? Because you know that shit is gonna be their new favorite joke, even if they wont say it to your face. Also, because it makes you look like a weirdo and ultra Ultra lame.

I wish more people understood this reference so I could use it all the time.

I will now proceed to crawl under a rock and avoid people for the next day or two.

Love you like malteasers <3

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